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Term and Attendance Certificate

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1. The academic year will begin and end as follows:

1st Semester : July to October

2nd Semester : November To March

3rd Semester : June to October

4th Semester : November To March

5th Semester : June to October

6th Semester : November To March

2. Every teaching day is divided into two sessions, the forenoon session of three periods and the afternoon session of two periods. Attendance will be marked at the beginning of each period by the teacher engaging the class. Late comers will not be entertained. For the purpose of attendance, all teaching days irrespective of working periods shall be considered as full working days. Absence  in any session will be treated as half days absence. Leave for one hour can be obtained from the teacher in charge of the class.

3. Application for long leave should be made to the Principal through the class teacher and HOD. Application for sick leave for more than three days should be supported by reliable medical certificate. Absence for more than 10 consecutive days without proper reason will result in the removal of name from the rolls. A student who is absent without prior permission/ leave for ten consecutive working days, or two weeks will be removed from the rolls.

Promotion to the senior classes and presentation for University Examinations shall be subjected to the following conditions.

a. The student should have earned at least 75% of the attendance prescribed by the college for the course during the year.

b. She/he should have completed the course of instruction to the satisfaction of the college authorities and his/her progress, conduct and character should be satisfactory.

c. A student who has not registered for the University examinations for the Junior class will not be eligible for promotion to the next class.

Student seeking exemption from rules relating to minimum attendance should apply for condonation to the University through the Principal before 28th February. Every application for condonation shall be made in the prescribed form accompanied by a chalan for their required fee. The reason for each day’s absence has to be explained. In case of absence on account of illness, Medical certificate has also to be furnished. No application for condonation will be recommended by the Principal unless he is satisfied that the shortage of attendance was beyond the student’s control. In no case will exemption be granted by the University if the shortage of attendance exceeds 10 days. Condonation will not be granted to the same student for more than one in a course. Absence without leave will not be considered under any circumstances.

Rules Relating to the Grant of Condonation of Shortage of Attendance
1. Every candidate has to secure a minimum of 75% attendance of the total duration of the semester.
2. For this purpose, the duration of the Semester to which the candidate is admitted initially will be from the date of her actual admission.
3. Candidates having shortage of attendance up to 10% can apply for condonation of shortage in the prescribed form on genuine grounds.
4. The application for condonation shall be accompanied by the receipt of condonation fee.
5. The fee for application for condonation of shortage of attendance shall be Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only). Fee shall be paid in the College Office.
6. The application for condonation of shortage of attendance be submitted in the reception of the College Office in advance.
7. Candidate can seek condonation of shortage of attendance only once during the programme.
8. In case the shortage of attendance is beyond condonable limit such students must repeat the programme for making up the shortage of attendance to become eligible for appearing the examination.
9. It is up to the discretion of the Examination Committee to decide on the merit of application for condonation.

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