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Choice Based Credit System (C.B.C.S.) Regulations 


l) Title


2) Scope

2.1 Applicable to all regular Under Graduate Programmes conducted by the University with effect from 2017 admissions, except for Professional and B.Voc. Programmes. Also applicable to Distance/Private Undergraduate Programmes with suitable modifications. Under Graduate Programmes in Management Studies are included as non-professional programmes.
2.2 Examinations of the courses being run under the Distance/Private registration scheme shall be conducted annually.
2.3 Medium of instruction is English except in the case of language courses other than English unless otherwise stated therein.
2.4 The provisions supersede all the existing regulations for the Regular/Distance/Private Undergraduate programmes to the extent herein prescribed.

3) Definitions

3.1. ‘Academic Week’ is a unit of five working days in which the distribution of work is organized from day one to day five, with five contact hours of one hour duration on each day.
3.2. ‘Choice Based Course’ means a course that enables the students to familiarize the advanced areas of core course.
3.3. ‘College Coordinator’ is a teacher nominated by the College Council to co-ordinate the continuous evaluation undertaken by various departments within the college. He/she shall be nominated to the college level monitoring committee.
3.4. ‘Common Course I’ means a course that comes under the category of courses for English.
3.5 ‘Common Course II’ means additional language.
3.6. ‘Complementary Course’ means a course which would enrich the study of core courses.
3.7. ‘Core course’ means a course in the subject of specialization within a degree programme. It includes a course on environmental studies and human rights.
3.8. ‘Course’ means a portion of a subject to be taught and evaluated in a semester(similar to a paper under annual scheme).
3.9. ‘Credit’ is the numerical value assigned to a paper according to the relative importance of the syllabus of the programme.
3.10. ‘Department’ means any teaching department in a college.
3.11. ‘Department Coordinator’ is a teacher nominated by a Department Council to co-ordinate the continuous evaluation undertaken in that department.
3.12. ‘Department Council’ means the body of all teachers of a department in a college.
3.13. ‘Faculty Advisor’ means a teacher from the parent department nominated by the Department Council, who will advise the student on academic matters.
3.14. Grace Marks shall be awarded to candidates as per the University Orders issued from time to time.
3.15. ‘Grade’ means a letter symbol (A, B, C, etc.), which indicates the broad level of performance of a student in a Paper/Course/ Semester/Programme.
3.16. ‘Grade Point’ (GP) is the numerical indicator of the percentage of marks awarded to a student in a course.
3.17. ‘Institutional Average (IA)’ means average mark secured (Internal + external) for a course at the college level.
3.18. ‘Open Course’ means an optional course which the student is free to take at his/her will. Open course shall be a non-major elective course offered by the Departments other than the parent Department.
3.19. ‘Parent Department’ means the department which offers core course/courses within an undergraduate programme.
3.20. ‘Programme’ means a three year programme of study and examinations spread over six semesters, the successful completion of which would lead to the award of a degree.
3.21. ‘Semester’ means a term consisting of a minimum 90 working days, inclusive of tutorials, examination days and other academic activities within a period of six months.
3.22. ‘University Average (UA)’means average mark secured (Internal + external) for a course at the University level.
3.23. ‘Vocational Course’ (Skill Enhancement Course) means a course that enables the students to enhance their practical skills and ability to pursue a vocation in their subject of specialization.
3.24. Words and expressions used and not defined in this regulation shall have the same meaning assigned to them in the Act and Statutes of the University.

4. Eligibility for  Admission and Reservation of Seats

4.1 Eligibility for admissions and reservation of seats for various Undergraduate Programmes shall be according to the rules framed by the University in this regard, from time to time.

5) Duration

5.1 The duration of U.G. programmes shall be 6 semesters.
5.2 There shall be two Semesters in an academic year, the “ODD” semester commences in June and on completion, the “EVEN” Semester commences. There shall be two months vacation during April/May.
5.3 No student shall be allowed to complete the programme by attending more than 12 continuous semesters.

6) Registration

6.1 The strength of students for each programme shall be as per the existing orders, as approved by the University.
6.2 The college shall send a list of students registered for each programme in each semester giving the details of courses registered including repeat/re-appearance courses to the University in the prescribed form within 45 days from the commencement of the Semester.
6.3 Those students who possess the required minimum attendance during a semester and could not register for the semester examination are permitted to apply for Notional Registration to the examinations concerned enabling them to get promoted to the next class.

7) Scheme and Syllabus;-

7.1. The U.G. programmes shall include (a) Common Courses I and II, (b) Core
Course(s), (c) Complementary/Vocational Courses, and (d) Open Course.
7.2. There shall be one Choice Based course (Elective Course) in the sixth semester. In the case of B.Com Programme there shall be an elective stream from third semester onwards.
7.3. Credit Transfer and Accumulation system can be adopted in the programme. Transfer of Credit consists of acknowledging, recognizing and accepting credits by an institution for programmes or courses completed at another institution. The Credit Transfer Scheme shall allow students pursuing a programme in one University to continue their education in another University without break.
7.4. A separate minimum of 30% marks each for internal and external (for both theory and practical) and aggregate minimum of 35% are required for a pass for a course. For a pass in a programme, a separate minimum of Grade D is required for all the individual courses. If a candidate secures F Grade for any one of the courses offered in a Semester/Programme, only F grade will be awarded for that Semester/Programme until he/she improves this to D Grade or above within the permitted period. (See Clause 5.3)
7.5. Students who complete the programme with “D” grade in the Mahatma Gandhi University “Regulations for Under Graduate Programmes under Choice Based Credit System 2017”will have one betterment chance within 12 months, immediately after the publication of the result of the whole programme.
7.6. Students discontinued from previous regulations CBCSS 2013, can pursue their studies in the Mahatma Gandhi University “Regulations for Under Graduate Programmes under Choice Based Credit System 2017”after obtaining readmission. These students have to complete the programme as per the Mahatma Gandhi University “Regulations for Under Graduate Programmes under Choice Based Credit System 2017”.
7.7. The practical examinations (external/internal) will be conducted only at the end of even semesters for all programmes. Special sanction shall be given for those programmes which need to conduct practical examinations at the end of odd semesters.

7) Program Structure

There shall be a maximum of three credits for the open course and remaining one credit should be shifted to choice based course or any other course

8) Examinations

The evaluation of each course shall contain two parts i) THE INTERNAL or In-Semester Assessment (I.S.A) ii)THE EXTERNAL or End-Semester Assessment(E.S.A) The Internal to External assessment ratio shall be 1:4 for both courses with or without practical.There shall be maximum of 80 marks for external evaluation and maximum of 20 marks for Internal evaluation for all courses, grades are given on a 07-point scale based on the total percentage of marks (I.S.A+E.S.A) as detailed below;-

Percentage of Marks Grade Grade Point
95 and above S Outstanding 10
 85 – Below 95 A+ -Excellent 9
 75 – Below 85 A -Very Good 8
 65 – Below 75 B+ -Good 7
 55 – Below 65 B -Above Average 6
 45 – Below 55  C – Satisfactory 5
35 – Below 45 D- Pass 4
Below 35  F-Failure 0
Ab – Absent 0

9) Attendance Evaluation

% of Attendance Marks
90 and above 5
85-89 4
80-84 3
76-79 2
75 1

(Decimal is to be rounded to the next higher whole number)

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